How much money do I need to move to America ?
If you want to move to the USA or especially to Florida you have to come
up with a plan beside of been qualified to immigrate or becoming a resident.
Every year, thousands of people ask themselves "how can I move to America?", however many don't think about how much it could cost. Moving, like in any other country, can be very demanding both for time and money. Read on to find out how much it costs to move to Florida.
Beside just jumping in the plane and heading to America you have to prepare the first couple months when arriving in e.g. Florida for your final settlement like home etc.
You have to figure where you want to live and then consider what you need for making a living. At first you have to stay in a hotel longer than usually for getting all the necessary done like purchasing a car, find a home (rent or purchase) with all utilities etc. Maybe you need some time to establish your business until you will earn enough money for living. Depending on your life style you need some between US$ 30,000 and 50,000 to cover all costs during the first 6 months in your new place of living in Florida.➡️ If interested in Florida, please contact us by email: runawayeurope[at]
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